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Enveloping Embrace

"Enveloping Embrace" is a boutique culinary gift box initiative supporting Gaza Envelope's local businesses and showcasing the area's natural beauty through professional illustrations. Collaborating with “Latet” and Bezalel Academy, “Enush” proceeds aid residents, soldiers, and students affected by the October 7th attacks.

Contributing to the Community

A significant part of the project is giving back to the community. Therefore, most of the revenues are transferred directly to producers from the affected communities, as well as for the benefit of Israeli associations that provide support and assistance to the victims:


60% ofthe proceeds - go to producers and entrepreneurs from the affected areas

10% ofthe proceeds - a donation to the organization "LATET"- giving immediate assistance to the residents of the Gaza Enclave and the Security Forces

3% ofthe proceeds - to the "Enosh" association where the packaging work is done in their operation centers in the south

Anush the Israeli association for mental health
Logo of the association to give a square
Bezalel Academy of Art logo horizontally

"Wrapping Memory", an illustration project of the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem, which seeks to commemorate the beauty of the land surrounding Gaza before the terrible disaster that occurred there on Saturday, October 7, 2023, in order to raise donations for the affected residents of the area.

Voluntarily participating in the project are lecturers, fourth-year students and graduates from the Department of Visual Communication in Bezalel.

A memorial logo wraps around a square

Our Gift Packages

In order to make it easier for the manufacturers, we currently accept bulk orders only.
Minimum of 50 gift packages of any type. The prices do not include VAT.
To purchase - click on one of the cases or contact us at the bottom of the page.

לרכישה - לחצו על אחד המוצרים או צרו איתנו קשר בתחתית העמוד.

לקוחות ממליצים

נועה למברט

"נטע יקרה, שמחנו מאוד לפגוש אותך. המשלוחים, הגלויות והכתוב כל כך מרגשים ומשמחים. תודה רבה על המיזם הזה. מאחלים לך ולמשפחתך ולכל עם ישראל פורים שמח ובשורות טובות״

אנני, אייפקס

"הגיעו כל הדברים, נראה  מהמם ומגרה, תודה רבה
הגלויות זה משהוא מיוחד ומצמרר״

Get to know the producers and entrepreneurs

There is a special charm in a gift that also includes giving

  I have carefully collected and selected the products for the gift packages. Each of the producers and entrepreneurs has their own special love story and all of them together represent the best of the produce and abundance of the surrounding area. 

Enveloping Embrace - a contribution to the community

    An important part of the project is the donation to organizations that work to provide direct and immediate aid to the affected communities

Get to know the organizations and ventures that take part in the project

Who is behind the project?

  Neta Lin Cohen, an architect graduated from Bezalel, one of the founders of the "Meshek Lin" company and the founder of the "Gifts from the Heart" project.


"For over 30 years I have been developing, producing and marketing unique culinary gifts for organizations and individuals out of love and passion and always with a connection and contribution to the community.

After the terrible disaster on the Black Shabbat of Simchat Torah, I decided to help as best I could and try to small manufacturers and entrepreneurs in the affected areas to create unique gift packages that combine boutique products with works of art, where together they bring to the forefront all the goodness and beauty that is part of the Gaza enclave - a combination of material and spiritual abundance.'

נטע לין כהן מנכלית משק לין_900x600-r.jpg

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